Typical Steps to Implement an Ag Waste System Include:
1. Site Visit - Engineer, fiscal sponsor/investor and producer/client meet to discuss possible scenarios.
2. Survey - The area will be surveyed using GPS Equipment and/or Total Station equipment to create a topographic map to determine drainage patterns.
3. Preliminary Design- Using the topographic map, a system layout, and cost estimate will drafted and presented to the producer and fiscal sponsor if applicable.
4. Meeting - The engineer, fiscal sponsor if applicable, and producer will meet to talk about the preliminary design; possible problems, alternatives and/or questions will be addressed at this time before final design and bid packets are made.
5. Final Design - Final Design is presented to the producer for approval; when design is signed bid packets are assembled, and then contractors are solicited for bids (upon governing agency approval - e.g. health department in North Dakota).
6. Stakeout - Area is staked out for contractors per design.
7. Quality Control - Clay liners and cement pours are tested to insure standards are met.
8. Final Approval- After construction is complete the engineer inspects the system, performs an as-built survey and composes a report for the governing agency applicable if necessary, and producer to certify the system has been constructed as per plans and specifications.
K2S provides structural Engineering for most post-type frame buildings both Agricultural and Light Commercial.
K2S provides wetland delineations often required by government agencies to determine boundaries and acreage of wetland areas. This service includes a field visit by a Technician, trained in accordance to US Army Corps of Engineers standards, to flag the boundaries of wetland through USACOE procedural data collection, to survey if needed, and construct a report to be approved and filed with the Local Governing Unit.
**Mitigation proposals are also provided if required.
Environmental Assessments are sometimes required when development of land is to take place, K2S can provide this service through initial research of soil surveys, historical land use, and non game heritage resource evaluation. Physical data collection includes a field visit to; dig test pits to verify soils, and possible water table issues, take digital photos, determine habitat losses, determine other possible impacts. K2S will help determine possible management practices and protocols that will help mitigate and/or minimize the impacts the development will incur.
SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) Designs are required when the runoff from a project may contaminate the water of surrounding watersheds. K2S Engineering provides design services using AUTO CAD software to develop the an overall site plan with diversion ditches and sediment basins, and determine practices to minimize the impacts on the water quality.